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Planning Applications


Existing garage to be converted and extended to form an Annexe to No. 48 Underdale Road, as a retirement flat.

Read more about 23/01540/FUL


Revisions to previously approved application 21/02896/LBC Revise approved French doors on the south facing elevation of the extension, to a single glazed 1.5m door.

Read more about 23/01704/LBC


Extend to rear to enlarge kitchen and replace roof over existing kitchen and extension

Read more about 23/01690/FUL


To extend to the rear and side to create further living space and bedroom

Read more about 23/01681/FUL


Erection of extension and remodelling of an existing dwelling

Read more about 23/01661/FUL


Works to increase width and visibility splay of drive and fit new garden gates

Read more about 23/01612/FUL


Erection of single storey front extension with pitched roof to provide entrance porch and extended living room

Read more about 23/01665/FUL


Retention of 4 bay demountable unit used as a pre-school as at present previously approved under planning permissions 05/0608/REW (3 bay) and 12/04985/FUL (1 bay)

Read more about 23/00955/FUL


Ground floor extension to rear and first floor extension to front

Read more about 23/01633/FUL


Reduce back lower limbs extending towards neighbouring properties by 1.5m and remove deadwood from 1no Turkey Oak protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/401)

Read more about 23/01724/TPO


Remove deadwood and rubbing branches & reduce overlong side branches by approx. 1-2m to balance crown shape of 1no Cedar tree (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Belvidere Paddocks) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/411)

Read more about 23/01656/TPO


Revised and reduced scheme to provide first floor front extension, replacement of single storey conservatory with two storey bedroom extension and change tile hanging cladding to composite cladding

Read more about 23/01597/FUL