Works to a number of trees (see schedule – ref. 2646) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Application for prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 16, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for a proposed 15m 5G telecoms installation: H3G street pole and additional equipment cabinets.
Removal of existing lean-to Utility Room and replacement with new single storey extension to include Utility Room and WC
Use of the house in the children’s home for an additional 8 young people ( total 14) with 8 additional carers.
Conversion of single storey detached garage into bedroom accommodation, erection of infill link extension between house and garage, new flat roof to cover both structures with garage roof raised to same height as extension and associated works
Remove bay window, remove front garden wall and replace with railings to match original, replacement windows and doors, internal reconfiguring and dormer on front and rear elevations
Fell 2no Sycamores (T1&T2), crown lift to approx 3m 1no Maple (T3), reduce whole crown by approx 30% and re-shape 1no Goat Willow (T4), reduce and re-shape by approx 20% 1no Yew (T5) & prune back 20% overhang onto property and remove lower limb on end tree of group of Birch (T6) (Owned by neighbour…
Reduce main crown by 20%, pruning back from building, tidy & remove dead wood of 1no Yew within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of part single part two storey rear extension, following removal of existing single storey structures
Alterations and improvements to front single storey part including change of flat roof to pitched roof.