Erection of single storey rear extension, conversion of the existing roof space into a habitable room and alterations
Minor amendments to existing dwelling and erection of 1No Dwelling and formation of vehicular access (Re-submission of application ref 23/00761/FUL)
Widening of the dropped kerb onto the public highway outside of the property, including widening of the existing driveway
Fell 1no Leylandii (T1), reduce to current hedge height 1no Leylandii (T2), crown reduce by a max. 3m 2no Red Oak (T3&T4), crown lift minor growth by 2-3m of 1no Walnut, crown lift over garden by 3-4m 1no Sycamore and crown lift over lane by 2-3m 1no Cherry (T6), reduce height by 4-5m Holly and…
Installation of 2no. outdoor air source heat pumps to provide air conditioning, air filtration and supplemental heating
Proposed 5G telecoms installation: H3G 20m street pole and additional equipment cabinets.
Alteration to shop front affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Alteration to shop front and change of use of ground floor to Class E (A) – Display or retail sale of goods
Crown reduce by a maximum of 3 metres and crown thin by 10 percent 1no. Sycamore protected by the SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath North) TPO 2008 (Ref. SA/457)