Proposed 2 storey detached dwelling on land at Beehive Lane
Single storey extension to the side that will replace the conservatory and new porch/ hall to the front that will replace the existing porch and new roof to the front bay window
Adapt kitchen opening and construct single storey extension and enclosed courtyard with garden access, erection of triple garage accessed from existing forecourt, provision of gated enclosure for future air source heat pumps all following demolition of existing single storey lean-to and removal of external steps affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Adapt kitchen opening and construct single storey extension and enclosed courtyard with garden access, erection of triple garage accessed from existing forecourt, provision of gated enclosure for future air source heat pumps all following demolition of existing single storey lean-to and removal of external steps
Internal alterations of upper floors to facilitate the change of use to 4No apartments affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Change of use of upper floors to 4No apartments and internal alterations
Application for proposed drop kerb access to existing dwelling, 4.8m wide.
Overhead fascia signage, entrance signage and exterior notice.
Full planning and advertisement consent application for the use of ground floors as an Office, minor external alterations to the existing building and associated works and the erection of associated signage at Unit 2 Block B and Unit 1 Block C.
Works to a number of trees (see schedule) protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Mayfield Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (Ref. SA/47)