Fell 1no Yew & 1no Oak protected by the Shropshire Council (Land at Prestfelde School, London Road, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2021 (Ref. SC/00479
Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing, enlargement of side window, conversion of attic including insertion of glazed gable within the roof
Conversion and extension of single storey utility, rear and front extensions with Internal remodelling work
Internal re-configuration and new timber framed windows. Installation of new bi-folds doors, decking and pergola to rear. Removal of dwarf wall to the front and new off road parking space. Remove dwarf wall to the front, and new off road parking space.
Internal re-configuration and new timber framed windows. Installation of new bi-folds doors, decking and pergola to rear. Removal of dwarf wall to the front and new off road parking space
Removal/demolition of existing temporary, single storey, timber youth club building. Construction of new permanent two storey youth club building.
Fell 1no Douglas Fir (T1) protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968 (Ref: SA/37)
Proposed loft conversion with dormer windows to front and large dormer to rear (revised scheme)
Replace both bedroom windows at the front of the property with new wooden sash windows
Erection of porch over front door, fenestration alterations, internal layout alterations, erection of rear single storey extension and demolition of existing garden room
Removal and rebuild of rear gable to remediate structural defect affecting a Grade II Listed Building