Planning ID | Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
24/04722/TCA |
14 Underdale Road |
Fell 1no. Birch within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Pending |
24/04704/TPO |
1 Mytton Oak Road |
Crown reduce up to 20%, remove two lower branches (see photo), crown lift up to 5m on secondary growth tips only and remove major deadwood (see schedule) from 1no. Copper Beech (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Mytton Oak Road) Tree Preservation Order 2002 (SA/370) |
Pending |
24/04761/FUL |
12 Clive Green |
Erection of two storey side extension |
Pending |
24/04676/TCA |
The Old House , 20 Dogpole |
Reduce crown back to previous pruning points of 1no. False Locust (Robinia pseudoaccacia) (T1) and fell 1no. Cherry (Prunus sp.) (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Pending |
24/04667/TCA |
The Grounds, Shrewsbury School |
Fell 1no. Elm (T404) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Pending |
24/04733/FUL |
21 Alfred Street |
Replacement of door and 6No. windows to front elevation (Article 4) |
Pending |
24/04605/FUL |
5-6 Weston Court |
Demolition of 2No. 2B3P apartments and erection of 3No. 1B1P supported living apartments and associated office space |
Pending |
24/04498/FUL |
4 Copthorne Park |
Single Storey Side Extension |
Pending |
24/04671/FUL |
26 Percy Street |
Erection of a single storey rear extension and internal remodelling works |
Pending |
24/04657/FUL |
31 Rondel Street |
Existing drive and dropped kerb alterations and proposed railings to side boundaries |
Pending |
24/04296/FUL |
41 Woodvine Road |
Installation of air source heat pump |
Pending |
24/04596/FUL |
Orchards End |
Single storey rear extension |
Pending |
24/04627/FUL |
1 Mytton Oak Road |
Demolition of existing outbuildings and extensions and erection of a single storey extension |
Pending |
24/04620/LBC |
Ashleys Wine Bar Ltd, |
Replacement shopfront |
Pending |
24/04619/FUL |
Ashleys Wine Bar Ltd |
Replacement shopfront |
Pending |
24/04617/LBC |
8B College Hill |
Change of use to residential, all associated internal alterations and alterations to roof profile |
Pending |
24/04616/FUL |
8B College Hill |
Change of use to residential, all associated internal alterations and alterations to roof profile |
Pending |
24/04502/FUL |
37 Albert Street |
Installation of Air Source Heat Pump |
Pending |
24/04634/TCA |
140 Longden Road, |
Crown reduce by 1-2m 1no Birch within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Pending |
24/04606/TCA |
The Fields |
Re-pollard back to previous pruning points 2no Sycamore & fell 1no Deodar Cedar within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Pending |
24/04603/TPO |
Bromley Court |
Works to 1no Oak (See Report) protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Bromley House, Copthorne Road, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1998 (Ref: SA/340) |
Pending |
24/04593/FUL |
Proposed Coffee Shop To The North Of, Whitchurch Road |
Erection of a coffee shop (Class E) with a drive-thru facility, with associated parking, refuse storage, landscaping, and associated works |
Pending |
24/04608/TCA |
109 The Mount, |
Fell 1no. Cupressus x Leylandii within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Pending |
24/04582/FUL |
133 The Mount |
Rear single storey extension and new dormer window in existing loft conversion |
Pending |
24/04581/FUL |
Oteley Bungalow |
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of six dwellings and associated landscaping |
Pending |
24/04558/FUL |
45 Porthill Road |
Replacement of an existing boundary treatment to the front driveway with a masonry and timber wall and rendering of existing dwelling |
Pending |
24/04549/FUL |
97 Canon Street |
Erection of single storey rear extension & loft conversion rear facing dormer |
Pending |
24/04524/FUL |
8 Sussex Drive |
Single storey rear extension, new porch and covered area between store and porch |
Pending |
24/04445/FUL |
Fairholme |
Proposed extensions |
Pending |
24/04129/LBC |
Coleham Barbers |
Replacement of rear (outrigger) flat roof. Remove existing felt and board back to joists. Remove damaged ceilings below. Add back new insulated GRP flat roof and upvc gutters. |
Pending |
24/04518/FUL |
2 Corinthian Drive |
Single storey extension and alterations following some demolition works. |
Pending |
24/04509/FUL |
31 Preston Street |
Two storey rear extension, with pitched roof to match existing |
No Objection |
24/04488/LBC |
The Sewing Machine Centre |
Rear first floor extension |
No Objection |
24/04487/FUL |
The Sewing Machine Centre, |
No Objection | |
24/04480/FUL |
20 Longden Green |
Rear two storey extension and window replacement |
No Objection |
24/04398/FUL |
12 Canon Street |
Works to replace the sashes to the ground floor front bay window with similar sashes that comprise double glazed units and window frame repairs |
No Objection |
24/04435/FUL |
13 Ellesmere Drive |
Two storey side extension following demolition of existing garage/utility, single storey rear extension, single storey extension to the front and internal alterations |
No Objection |
24/04415/TCA |
57 The Mount |
Fell 1no Apple within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/04450/TPO |
28 Shorncliffe Drive |
Selective pruning by up to 2m to maintain a reduced canopy of 1no. Cherry (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Shorncliffe Drive, Shelton, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1987 (Ref. SA/140) |
No Objection |
24/04065/FUL |
Proposed Residential Development Land To The West And South Of, Cedars Drive |
Erection of 38 dwellings, including associated works and landscaping |
Representation |
24/04403/FUL |
11 Felcourt Drive |
Erection of extensions to dwelling |
No Objection |
24/04396/FUL |
189 New Park Road |
Single storey rear extension |
No Objection |
24/04381/FUL |
Hillcrest |
Refurbishment / internal re-modelling and rear two storey extension. Provide study, bedroom and en-suite within new roof void. Removal of single garage and construction of new detached double garage. |
No Objection |
24/04350/FUL |
12 Rothley Close |
Single storey extensions to the front and rear and associated alterations and improvements. |
No Objection |
24/04322/LBC |
18 Preston Street |
Remove part of an internal wall, rebrick part of an external wall and change rear double doors to a single door |
No Objection |
24/04304/LBC |
18 Preston Street |
Proposed internal works to a Grade II Listed Building |
No Objection |
24/04319/FUL |
14 Grange Road |
Single storey side extension, demolition of existing conservatory and covered outdoor seating area to the rear |
No Objection |
24/03962/LBC |
Shrewsbury High School |
Works will involve the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of active fire system upgrades (emergency lighting) |
No Objection |
24/04320/FUL |
19 Woodfield Road |
Proposed side extension and alterations to include a proposed loft conversion with a rear facing dormer window |
No Objection |
24/04283/FUL |
65 Ditherington Road |
Erection of a single storey commercial building (Class E). |
Objection |