Planning ID | Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
23/03540/FUL |
18 New Park Close |
Erection of single storey rear extension |
No Objection |
23/03532/FUL |
52 Montague Place |
Replacement of a ground floor bay window and 2 first floor windows, all on the front of the property |
No Objection |
23/02926/TPO |
14 Kemps Eye Avenue |
To crown lift over the road and footpath by up to 3 metres 1no. Lime protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Kemps Eye Avenue, Belle Vue) Tree Preservation Order 1989 (SA/166) |
Granted |
23/03625/TPO |
28 Woodcrest |
To prune back 20-25% from property to suitable pruning points, remove deadwood and crown lift two to three metres from 1no. Sycamore protected by the SABC (Land to the west of Gains Park Way) TPO 2008 (ref. SA/461) |
No Objection |
23/03531/FUL |
21 Oak Street |
Erection of rear extension |
No Objection |
23/03538/FUL |
Glenthorne , Mill Road, |
Rear extension to provide addition bedrooms. |
No Objection |
23/03503/FUL |
Former HSS Hire Shop |
Change of use of the existing building from commercial (Class E) to residential (Class C3) to create 8No. flats, following an upward extension with associated landscaping, cycle parking and refuse storage |
Representation |
23/03488/FUL |
2 Kenwood Drive |
Single storey rear extension |
No Objection |
23/03486/LBC |
Halon Menswear Shrewsbury Ltd |
Installation of a shop front security screen |
Representation |
23/03484/FUL |
49 The Mount |
Works to increase width and visibility splay of drive and fit new garden gates (resubmission) |
No Objection |
23/03482/FUL |
11 Hardwick Drive |
Alterations to single storey part including new flat roof over with rooflight, Single storey extension and associated alterations to form enlarged living room home office space. |
No Objection |
23/03469/FUL |
7 Aysgarth Road |
Erection of rear/side and front ground floor extension and widen existing crossover kerb to Aysgarth Road |
No Objection |
23/03463/FUL |
58A Longden Road |
Erection of two storey extension to replace existing rear conservatory |
No Objection |
23/03416/FUL |
106 Longden Coleham |
Alterations to existing conservatory, installation of juliet balcony and double doors at first floor, internal alterations and new patio and terrace |
No Objection |
23/03545/TCA |
The Abbey Church |
To fell to ground level 1no. Ash (T1) and to remove 1no. dead stem from 1no. Lawson Cypress (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Granted |
23/03543/TCA |
Abbey Gardens Adj. To The, English Bridge |
To reduce back to previous pollard points branches over the public open space and to cut back up to approx. 5metres 4no. stems over the river from 1no. Poplar (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Granted |
23/03525/TCA |
17 Berwick Road |
Crown reduce by 1.5m of 1no Magnolia within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/03520/TCA |
17 Berwick Road |
Fell 1no Holly (T1), 1no Hawthorn (T2) and 1no Amelanchier (T4) & cut back to previous pruning points and shape 1no Hawthorn (T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/03512/TCA |
17 South Hermitage |
Crown thin by 10-15%, end weight reduction of 10-15% (or 1-2 metres), crown lift by 1m & crown reduce by 1m of 1no Magnolia within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/03426/TCA |
32 Belle Vue Gardens |
Cut to ground level 1no Sycamore within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/03423/LBC |
Park Cottage |
Works to facilitate revisions to previously approved applications including Extension roof height increased. 2 paned first floor window on the north elevation. Revise approved French doors on the south facing elevation of the extension, to a single glazed 1.5m door. Front terrace /garden walls and parking area paving materials. |
No Objection |
23/03401/TEL |
Proposed Telecommunications Land At, Roman Road |
Application for prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 16, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for the installation of a 16m monopole comprising 6 no antennas, together with the addition of 2no. cabinets and 1no. meter cabinet together with ancillary development thereto |
Objection |
23/03396/LBC |
59 Abbey Foregate |
Refurbishment & alterations to Listed Building and erection of car port following demolition of existing garage |
No Objection |
23/03395/FUL |
59 Abbey Foregate |
Refurbishment & alterations to Listed Building and erection of car port following demolition of existing garage |
No Objection |
23/03158/FUL |
Centurion Park |
Demolish all existing buildings, save for sub station and pump unit to construct 24 light industrial units with associated landscape, mirroring the vernacular previously approved and completed known as Centurion Park south. New buildings are a mix of E(g),[i][ii][iii] Suis Generis, & B8 uses |
No Objection |
23/03381/FUL |
5 West Edge |
Single storey, pitched roof extension to rear and side of existing property to create kitchen-dining utility. |
No Objection |
23/03415/TPO |
58 Oakley Street |
To fell to ground level 1no. Yew (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (58 Oakley Street, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1988 (Ref. SA/154) |
Objection |
23/03410/TCA |
59 Porthill Road |
To reduce foliage by approx. 50 percent of 1no. Mulberry within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/03357/FUL |
27 Canon Street |
Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for loft conversion with dormers and single storey side and rear extensions (resubmission) |
Objection |
23/03349/LBC |
The Bull Inn , Butcher Row |
Installation of fire curtain at the base of the rolling way affecting a Grade II Listed Building |
No Objection |
23/03468/TPO |
Hare House, 82 Upper Road |
To section fell 2no. American Holly (T3 and T4) protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Meole Brace Village) Tree Preservation Order 1973 (Ref. SA/70) |
No Objection |
23/03397/TCA |
Hare House , 82 Upper Road |
Work to 1no. White Pine (T1), 1no. Sweet Chestnut (T2) and 1no. Yew (T5) (see schedule) within Meole Brace Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/03375/TPO |
2 Leeswood Court |
To remove 3no. Ash (T8, T9, T10) protected by the SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath South) TPO 2007 (SA/456) |
No Objection |
23/03330/FUL |
The Manor, 2 Mousecroft Grange |
Creation of a side extension to accommodate a new utility and widened kitchen space |
No Objection |
23/03321/FUL |
99 Oakfield Road |
Erection of single storey rear extension and associated alterations and improvements, roof alterations from hipped roof to gable end roof, formation of new dormer in rear roof slope, new rooflights in front roof slope and alterations to provide additional living accommodation in roof space |
No Objection |
23/03316/FUL |
Sutton Hall Farm |
Demolition of 5No. buildings |
Objection |
23/03289/LBC |
2 Severn Street |
Erection of a new picket fence and gate to the front and new close boarded fencing to the rear affecting a Grade II Listed Building |
No Objection |
23/03288/FUL |
2 Severn Street, |
Erection of a new picket fence and gate to the front and new close boarded fencing to the rear |
No Objection |
23/03352/TPO |
Land To The East Of, 96 Murrell Way |
Fell 2no Ash protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Sutton House Farm) Tree Preservation Order 1950 (Ref: SA/16) |
Objection |
23/03440/TPO |
The Coppice |
Reduce main leader by 3m of 1no Poplar & crown reduce by 30% 5no Sycamore covered by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Kingsland No 2) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (Ref: SA/34) |
Objection |
23/03373/TCA |
The Coppice |
Reduce to 2m in height 3no Portuguese Laurel & fell 2no Conifers within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Objection |
23/03438/TCA |
Land At Apartment, 2 The Woodlands |
To remove 1no. Ash within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Objection |
23/03266/FUL |
3 Linden Gardens |
Partial reinstatement of original canopy and balcony structure at ground and first floor levels respectively with new glazed enclosure to balcony |
No Objection |
23/03282/TCA |
Watergate House |
Fell 3no Ash Trees (AT1, AT2 & AT3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/03272/TPO |
8 Beaufort Ridge |
Crown reduce by 30% and remove branches away from street lights of 1no Sycamore (T1) & crown reduce by 15% 1no Cherry (T2) covered by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Gordana House, Shelton) Tree Preservation Order 2007 (Ref:SA/451) |
No Objection |
23/03430/TCA |
55 Queen Street |
Crown reduce by 25% and remove epicormic growth of 1no Ash within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/03203/LBC |
The Armoury , Victoria Quay |
Application under section 73a of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for proposed installation of a new transom panel to replace vent above a rear elevation door (retrospective) |
No Objection |
23/03202/FUL |
The Armoury , Victoria Quay |
Application under section 73a of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for proposed installation of a new transom panel to replace vent above a rear elevation door (retrospective) |
No Objection |
23/03220/FUL |
1 St James Road |
Remove box window with bay window. Continue porch roof line over. |
No Objection |
23/03218/LBC |
Brome Cottage , Church Lane |
Repairs to existing greenhouse including rooflight in the curtilage of a Grade 2 listed building |
No Objection |