Planning ID | Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
23/02339/ADV |
Woodcote Way/Monkmoor Road Roundabout |
Erect and display 4No sponsorship signs placed on the roundabout |
Objection |
23/02338/ADV |
A5191 Spring Gardens/Yew Tree Close Roundabout |
Erect and display 3No sponsorship signs placed on the roundabout |
Objection |
23/02330/LBC |
Signal Box , Chester Street |
Installation of replacement windows affecting a Grade II Listed Building |
No Objection |
23/02299/FUL |
4 Haughmond View |
Conversion of existing loft space to study, forming single dormer to rear elevation. Proposed dormer is partly incorporated into the existing roof of the rear kitchen/bathroom extension. Addition of conservation style roof lights as show on attached drawings. Dormer cladding will use hanging slates to match existing the existing roof. New window will match the conservation style and colour (white) as the bathroom window below. |
No Objection |
23/02541/TCA |
28 Oak Street |
To remove 2no. Sycamore within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
Objection |
23/02539/TCA |
The Gateway Education And Arts Centre |
Works to a number of trees (see schedule – ref. 2646) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/02489/TEL |
Proposed Telecommunications Installation To The East Of, |
Application for prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 16, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for a proposed 15m 5G telecoms installation: H3G street pole and additional equipment cabinets. |
Objection |
23/02309/FUL |
14 Alverley Close |
First floor side extension over existing garage. |
No Objection |
23/02307/FUL |
5 King Street |
Removal of existing lean-to Utility Room and replacement with new single storey extension to include Utility Room and WC |
No Objection |
23/02304/FUL |
Harlescott House Residential Home |
Use of the house in the children’s home for an additional 8 young people ( total 14) with 8 additional carers. |
No Objection |
23/02291/FUL |
9 Monkmoor Crescent |
Conversion of single storey detached garage into bedroom accommodation, erection of infill link extension between house and garage, new flat roof to cover both structures with garage roof raised to same height as extension and associated works |
No Objection |
23/02288/FUL |
31 Havelock Road |
Remove bay window, remove front garden wall and replace with railings to match original, replacement windows and doors, internal reconfiguring and dormer on front and rear elevations |
Representation |
23/02443/TCA |
108 Abbey Foregate |
Fell 2no Sycamores (T1&T2), crown lift to approx 3m 1no Maple (T3), reduce whole crown by approx 30% and re-shape 1no Goat Willow (T4), reduce and re-shape by approx 20% 1no Yew (T5) & prune back 20% overhang onto property and remove lower limb on end tree of group of Birch (T6) (Owned by neighbour at 109 Abbey Foregate) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/02440/TCA |
1 Quarry Place |
Reduce main crown by 20%, pruning back from building, tidy & remove dead wood of 1no Yew within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/02284/FUL |
81 The Mount, |
Erection of part single part two storey rear extension, following removal of existing single storey structures |
No Objection |
23/02272/FUL |
9 Raby Crescent |
Alterations and improvements to front single storey part including change of flat roof to pitched roof. |
No Objection |
23/02242/FUL |
117 Sundorne Crescent |
Erection of single storey rear extension, conversion of the existing roof space into a habitable room and alterations |
No Objection |
23/02235/FUL |
86 Whitemere Road |
Minor amendments to existing dwelling and erection of 1No Dwelling and formation of vehicular access (Re-submission of application ref 23/00761/FUL) |
No Objection |
23/02228/FUL |
39 Sunnybank Road |
Erection of detached single garage |
No Objection |
23/02201/FUL |
108 The Mount |
Widening of the dropped kerb onto the public highway outside of the property, including widening of the existing driveway |
Representation |
23/02177/FUL |
6 Larkhill Road |
Extension of existing bathroom dormer |
No Objection |
23/02385/TCA |
1 Kennedy Road |
Fell 1no Leylandii (T1), reduce to current hedge height 1no Leylandii (T2), crown reduce by a max. 3m 2no Red Oak (T3&T4), crown lift minor growth by 2-3m of 1no Walnut, crown lift over garden by 3-4m 1no Sycamore and crown lift over lane by 2-3m 1no Cherry (T6), reduce height by 4-5m Holly and Lawson Cypress group (G1), crown lift by 4-5m (to hedge height) 1no Beech (T7), crown lift to approx. 4m 2no Larch (T8), remove one low branch of 1no Spruce (T9), crown lift to hedge height at approx. 4-5m 1no Birch (T10), remove smaller stems originating from layered limbs and low dead branches on main stem of 1no Western Red Cedar (T11), fell stem leaning from the hedge over the footpath of 1no Holly (T12) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/02359/TCA |
16 Canon Street |
Fell 1no Conifer within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/02148/FUL |
6 Rowan Close |
Installation of 2no. outdoor air source heat pumps to provide air conditioning, air filtration and supplemental heating |
No Objection |
23/02366/TEL |
Proposed Telecommunications Mast West Of, Crowmeole Lane |
Proposed 5G telecoms installation: H3G 20m street pole and additional equipment cabinets. |
Objection |
23/02164/LBC |
45 High Street |
Alteration to shop front affecting a Grade II Listed Building |
No Objection |
23/02163/FUL |
45 High Street |
Alteration to shop front and change of use of ground floor to Class E (A) – Display or retail sale of goods |
No Objection |
23/02368/TPO |
18 The Knolls, Bicton Heath |
Crown reduce by a maximum of 3 metres and crown thin by 10 percent 1no. Sycamore protected by the SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath North) TPO 2008 (Ref. SA/457) |
No Objection |
23/02274/TCA |
Severn Lodge , 58 New Street |
Crown reduction by 30 percent of 1no. Horse Chestnut within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/02169/TCA |
96 Underdale Road |
To fell to ground level approx. 8no. conifers within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/02138/FUL |
80 Redwing Fields |
Erection of a two storey side extension (resubmission) |
No Objection |
23/02118/FUL |
41 Roseway |
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of a two storey side extension |
No Objection |
23/02065/FUL |
7 Washford Road |
First floor extension over existing side and rear garage. Aim to modernize the property. |
No Objection |
23/02038/FUL |
1 Barkstone Drive |
Single Storey front kitchen and porch extension to aid with disability access |
No Objection |
23/01958/FUL |
Greenhous Vauxhall |
Alterations to the existing building and the change of use from a motor dealership to a builders merchant (storage, distribution, trade counter, offices, tool hire and ancillary retail) with associated external storage, erection of 2.4m high fence |
Representation |
23/02123/FUL |
Riverside Shopping Centre |
Building clearance, asbestos removal and partial demolition of Units 2, Units 44-48, the former police station and the pedestrian walkway canopy to make access for a geo-environmental ground investigation |
No Objection |
23/02043/FUL |
3 Abbots Road |
Single storey rear extension and associated works to provide an accessible bedroom dayroom and wet room following demolition of existing conservatory. |
No Objection |
23/02009/FUL |
18 Burton Street |
Single storey extension to rear of dwelling |
No Objection |
23/02108/TCA |
Land At Greenhill, Copthorne Road |
To fell 2no. fruit trees (G1) and 1no. Holly (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/01994/FUL |
12 Roman Road |
Proposed ground floor rear extension |
No Objection |
23/01976/LBC |
A Plan Insurance, 8 High Street |
Listed Building Consent for the display of advertisements |
No Objection |
23/01875/LBC |
St Marys Church |
The installation of new iron railings and gate to the top of the subterranean boiler house steps. |
No Objection |
23/02131/TCA |
67 Abbey Foregate |
Fell 1no. Cedar within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
23/01983/FUL |
11 Porthill Gardens |
Demolition of single storey and replacement extension and remodel to rear. |
No Objection |
23/01866/LBC |
59 Abbey Foregate |
Refurbishment & Alterations to Listed Building and Replacement Garage |
No Objection |
23/01865/FUL |
59 Abbey Foregate |
Refurbishment & Alterations to Listed Building and Replacement Garage |
No Objection |
23/01949/LBC |
12 Swan Hill |
Excavation of rear garden to give external access to basement and internal alterations |
No Objection |
23/01948/FUL |
12 Swan Hill |
Excavation of rear garden to give external access to basement and internal alterations |
No Objection |
23/01945/FUL |
Montpelier House |
Erection of a new dwelling in place of the previously demolished workshop |
No Objection |
23/01930/ADV |
8 High Street |
Erect and Display 1no Fascia sign including ‘halo’ style illumination and 1no projecting sign advertising the business operation from the associated premises. |
No Objection |