Planning ID | Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
24/04605/FUL |
5-6 Weston Court |
Demolition of 2No. 2B3P apartments and erection of 3No. 1B1P supported living apartments and associated office space |
No Objection |
24/04498/FUL |
4 Copthorne Park |
Single Storey Side Extension |
No Objection |
24/04671/FUL |
26 Percy Street |
Erection of a single storey rear extension and internal remodelling works |
No Objection |
24/04657/FUL |
31 Rondel Street |
Existing drive and dropped kerb alterations and proposed railings to side boundaries |
No Objection |
24/04296/FUL |
41 Woodvine Road |
Installation of air source heat pump |
No Objection |
24/04596/FUL |
Orchards End |
Single storey rear extension |
No Objection |
24/04627/FUL |
1 Mytton Oak Road |
Demolition of existing outbuildings and extensions and erection of a single storey extension |
No Objection |
24/04620/LBC |
Ashleys Wine Bar Ltd, |
Replacement shopfront |
No Objection |
24/04619/FUL |
Ashleys Wine Bar Ltd |
Replacement shopfront |
No Objection |
24/04617/LBC |
8B College Hill |
Change of use to residential, all associated internal alterations and alterations to roof profile |
Objection |
24/04616/FUL |
8B College Hill |
Change of use to residential, all associated internal alterations and alterations to roof profile |
Objection |
24/04502/FUL |
37 Albert Street |
Installation of Air Source Heat Pump |
No Objection |
24/04634/TCA |
140 Longden Road, |
Crown reduce by 1-2m 1no Birch within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/04606/TCA |
The Fields |
Re-pollard back to previous pruning points 2no Sycamore & fell 1no Deodar Cedar within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/04603/TPO |
Bromley Court |
Works to 1no Oak (See Report) protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Bromley House, Copthorne Road, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1998 (Ref: SA/340) |
No Objection |
24/04593/FUL |
Proposed Coffee Shop To The North Of, Whitchurch Road |
Erection of a coffee shop (Class E) with a drive-thru facility, with associated parking, refuse storage, landscaping, and associated works |
No Objection |
24/04608/TCA |
109 The Mount, |
Fell 1no. Cupressus x Leylandii within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/04582/FUL |
133 The Mount |
Rear single storey extension and new dormer window in existing loft conversion |
No Objection |
24/04581/FUL |
Oteley Bungalow |
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of six dwellings and associated landscaping |
No Objection |
24/04558/FUL |
45 Porthill Road |
Replacement of an existing boundary treatment to the front driveway with a masonry and timber wall and rendering of existing dwelling |
No Objection |
24/04549/FUL |
97 Canon Street |
Erection of single storey rear extension & loft conversion rear facing dormer |
No Objection |
24/04524/FUL |
8 Sussex Drive |
Single storey rear extension, new porch and covered area between store and porch |
No Objection |
24/04445/FUL |
Fairholme |
Proposed extensions |
No Objection |
24/04129/LBC |
Coleham Barbers |
Replacement of rear (outrigger) flat roof. Remove existing felt and board back to joists. Remove damaged ceilings below. Add back new insulated GRP flat roof and upvc gutters. |
No Objection |
24/04518/FUL |
2 Corinthian Drive |
Single storey extension and alterations following some demolition works. |
No Objection |
24/04509/FUL |
31 Preston Street |
Two storey rear extension, with pitched roof to match existing |
No Objection |
24/04488/LBC |
The Sewing Machine Centre |
Rear first floor extension |
No Objection |
24/04487/FUL |
The Sewing Machine Centre, |
No Objection | |
24/04480/FUL |
20 Longden Green |
Rear two storey extension and window replacement |
No Objection |
24/04398/FUL |
12 Canon Street |
Works to replace the sashes to the ground floor front bay window with similar sashes that comprise double glazed units and window frame repairs |
No Objection |
24/04435/FUL |
13 Ellesmere Drive |
Two storey side extension following demolition of existing garage/utility, single storey rear extension, single storey extension to the front and internal alterations |
No Objection |
24/04415/TCA |
57 The Mount |
Fell 1no Apple within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/04450/TPO |
28 Shorncliffe Drive |
Selective pruning by up to 2m to maintain a reduced canopy of 1no. Cherry (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Shorncliffe Drive, Shelton, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1987 (Ref. SA/140) |
No Objection |
24/04065/FUL |
Proposed Residential Development Land To The West And South Of, Cedars Drive |
Erection of 38 dwellings, including associated works and landscaping |
Representation |
24/04403/FUL |
11 Felcourt Drive |
Erection of extensions to dwelling |
No Objection |
24/04396/FUL |
189 New Park Road |
Single storey rear extension |
No Objection |
24/04381/FUL |
Hillcrest |
Refurbishment / internal re-modelling and rear two storey extension. Provide study, bedroom and en-suite within new roof void. Removal of single garage and construction of new detached double garage. |
No Objection |
24/04350/FUL |
12 Rothley Close |
Single storey extensions to the front and rear and associated alterations and improvements. |
No Objection |
24/04322/LBC |
18 Preston Street |
Remove part of an internal wall, rebrick part of an external wall and change rear double doors to a single door |
No Objection |
24/04304/LBC |
18 Preston Street |
Proposed internal works to a Grade II Listed Building |
No Objection |
24/04319/FUL |
14 Grange Road |
Single storey side extension, demolition of existing conservatory and covered outdoor seating area to the rear |
No Objection |
24/03962/LBC |
Shrewsbury High School |
Works will involve the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of active fire system upgrades (emergency lighting) |
No Objection |
24/04320/FUL |
19 Woodfield Road |
Proposed side extension and alterations to include a proposed loft conversion with a rear facing dormer window |
No Objection |
24/04283/FUL |
65 Ditherington Road |
Erection of a single storey commercial building (Class E). |
Objection |
24/04257/TPO |
20 Wenlock Road |
Remove major dead limb from 1no. Sweet Chestnut (T1), fell dead stem including any dead or weak branches from 1no. Lawson Cypress (T3) and crown reduce by around 2-3 metres 1no. Copper Beech (T4) protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Woodlands Park) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (SA/49) |
No Objection |
24/04300/TPO |
25 Ryelands |
Reduce height by 5m, reduce lateral branches by 2-3m, lift crown by 3m and thin crown by 10 percent of 1no. Lime protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (SA/401) |
Representation |
24/04209/TCA |
15 Hill Crescent |
Works to reduce back 1no Sycamore, reduce to fence height 6no Holly & fell 1no Pear (See Proposed Work) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/04230/FUL |
53 Queen Street |
Single storey extension to infill existing courtyard |
No Objection |
24/04213/FUL |
123 The Mount |
Erection of two storey double garage |
Representation |
24/04215/FUL |
12 Amber Hill |
Proposed single storey rear extension |
No Objection |