Planning ID | Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
24/03814/LBC |
Priory Lodge |
Replacement and refurbishment of three timber sash windows with like for like double glazed timber replacement |
No Objection |
24/03809/FUL |
5 Holywell Terrace |
Erection of garden outbuilding to accommodate home office and gym space. |
Representation |
24/03808/FUL |
108 London Road |
Alterations to existing conservatory. Remove ply carbonate roof and re roof with tiles and roof lights. Amend windows and doors. Change utility door to window on side elevation and window to door and side lights on rear elevation. |
No Objection |
24/03795/TCA |
74 The Mount |
Crown reduce by approximately 1-2m 1no Sycamore (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03824/TPO |
3 Woodbank Drive |
Reduce to previous pruning points in height by 1.5-2.5m & laterally by 1.5-3m of 1no Lime protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Woodfield Estate) Tree Preservation Order 1966 (Ref: SA/19) |
No Objection |
24/03730/TCA |
Nags Head |
Cut to ground level section of the tree leaning over garden and remove branches from the vertical section of 1no Sycamore within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03731/TPO |
Portland House Nursing Home |
Crown reduce by 2-3m and remove epicormic growth of 1no Lime protected by The Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (25 Belvidere Road) Tree Preservation Order 1988 (Ref: SA/158) |
No Objection |
24/03700/TCA |
67 New Street |
Reduce in height by 2m and sides by 1m 1no Magnolia tree (T1) & reduce in height by 2.5m and sides by 1m 1no Silver Birch (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03765/ADV |
Wm Morrison Supermarkets Limited |
Vinyl Coverings on pods |
No Objection |
24/03764/FUL |
Wm Morrison Supermarkets Limited |
Erection of car windscreen repair facility |
No Objection |
24/03735/TCA |
St Giles Rectory |
Works to 1no Oak, 1no Lime and two groups of Lawson Cypress (See Schedule) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03777/TCA |
Shrewsbury Station Gyratory |
Fell 3no Trees within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Objection |
24/03754/FUL |
50 Roman Road |
Raising of the roofline of the existing garage to provide a first floor with balcony and open fronted carport to the side of existing drive |
No Objection |
24/03756/TPO |
The Larches, Mill Road |
Work to 1no. Yew (T1) and 1no. Sycamore (T2) (see schedule TGTC/CA2400) protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Meole Brace Village) Tree Preservation Order 1973 (SA/70) |
No Objection |
24/03743/FUL |
17 Havelock Road |
Erection of rear single-storey flat roof Kitchen extension and minor internal remodelling. |
No Objection |
24/03712/FUL |
The Coach House, Severn Lodge |
Single Storey Rear extension, replacement front door and erection of fencing |
Objection |
24/03674/TCA |
The Larches |
Work to 1no. Portuguese Laurel (T3), 1no. Beech (T5) and 4no. Birch (G4 & T6) (see schedule TGTC/CA2400) within Meole Brace Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03653/FUL |
112 Whitchurch Road, |
Removal of barrier to allow dropped kerb access of a drive to front of property |
Objection |
24/03643/TCA |
The Gateway Education And Arts Centre |
Raise crown by max. 6ft and reduce height by max. 5ft of 1no. Birch (T1) and reduce and raise crowns of 3no. Whitebeam (T2-4) (see schedule TGTC 2823) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03641/TPO |
Gates Garth |
Various works to trees (see schedule TGTC/TPO2819a) protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968 (SA/37) |
No Objection |
24/03698/LBC |
Flat 6, 4 Quarry Place |
Internal alterations |
No Objection |
24/03673/FUL |
27 Upper Road |
Ground floor rear extension to replace existing conservatory, ground floor alterations to existing workshop and WC, height reduction of an existing front boundary wall, addition of 3 roof lights and the removal of a small redundant chimney |
No Objection |
24/03692/FUL |
Proposed Dwelling Adjacent 27, Fairlawn Avenue |
Erection of 1 no. detached dwelling |
Objection |
24/03650/TCA |
45 New Park Street |
Remove two branches of 1no Field Maple within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03709/TPO |
14 Pendle Way |
Fell 1no Maple protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002 (Ref: SA/354) |
Objection |
24/03597/TCA |
Former Builders Yard |
Fell 2no Ash (3T & 4T) and plant replacement trees including Oak (T1), Field Maple (T3), Sycamore (T4), Common Ash (T5) and Rose Bud Cherry (T6) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Representation |
24/03686/FUL |
31 Hafren Road |
Single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory |
No Objection |
24/03683/FUL |
Shrewsbury Vehicles |
Proposed detached car workshop building |
Representation |
24/03681/VAR |
Riverside Shopping Centre |
Variation of condition no.2 (approved drawings) attached to planning permission 23/05402/FUL |
No Objection |
24/03663/FUL |
The Shrubbery , 35 Hereford Road |
Single storey side extension and associated works |
No Objection |
24/03661/LBC |
Flat 2, 4 Quarry Place |
Carefully remove part existing masonry & later timber stud work wall / partition between shower room & galley kitchen and insert 2no universal beams and fireproof encasement |
No Objection |
24/03654/FUL |
1 Pump Lane |
Extension and refurbishment to the existing residential dwelling |
No Objection |
24/03599/TCA |
Shrewsbury Train Station Gyratory |
Fell 2no Trees and replace with three Amelanchier (or similar) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Objection |
24/03633/FUL |
8 Porthill Drive |
Single storey rear extension, reduction to garage and alterations to front to create additional off road parking space |
Representation |
24/03558/TCA |
78 St Michaels Gate |
Fell to ground level 1no. Poplar (T1) & reduce back from garage by 1m group of Hazel (G2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03556/TPO |
7 Shelton Hall Gardens |
Reduce canopy and specific branches (see schedule) of 1no. Lebanese Cedar (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Land at Shelton Hall Gardens) Tree Preservation Order 2006 |
No Objection |
24/03591/FUL |
63 Grange Road |
Garage alterations including new door, rendered finish and new roof along with internal alterations. |
No Objection |
24/03500/TPO |
9 Pendle Way |
Crown reduce by 20% (1.5 – 2m) and crown thin by 5% of 1no Copper Beech protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002 (Ref: SA/354) |
No Objection |
24/03384/FUL |
Frankwell Quay Warehouse |
Change of use and upward extension to provide a restaurant at ground floor, 6 residential units on the 1st and 2nd floor and 3 duplex apartments within a new 3rd and 4th floor |
No Objection |
24/03565/FUL |
31 Westwood Drive |
Erection of side and front extensions together with tiled sloping roof over garage/porch to replace flat roof, remove hanging tiles to front elevation and replace with render panel |
No Objection |
24/03467/FUL |
17 Kennedy Road |
Proposed dormer extension to rear elevation |
No Objection |
24/03520/FUL |
Oteley Bungalow |
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of six dwellings and associated landscaping |
Objection |
24/03528/FUL |
17 High Ridge Way |
Single storey rear infill extension and conservatory material alterations |
No Objection |
24/03550/TCA |
22 Oak Street |
Height reduction to previous pruning points, maintaining height of main stem and main lateral branches, of 1no. Ash within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03448/TPO |
37 Ryelands |
Prune and remove branches and deadwood (see schedule) from 1no. Oak protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (SA/401) |
No Objection |
24/03481/FUL |
28 Primrose Terrace |
Replacement windows, demolition of a boundary garden wall, single storey side & rear extension |
Objection |
24/03546/TCA |
5 Brighton Terrace |
Re-pollard to previous pruning points 1no Ash within Shrewsbury Conservtion Area |
No Objection |
24/03530/TCA |
Stones Square |
Fell 2no Holly within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
Objection |
24/03529/TCA |
71 Abbey Foregate |
Reduce by maximum of 50ft 2no. Poplars within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Representation |
24/03470/TCA |
131 The Mount |
Fell 3no. trees (see photos) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |