Planning ID | Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
24/03450/TCA |
53 Belle Vue Road |
Crown reduction by approx. 3m and removal of deadwood (greater than approx. 30mm diameter) (see schedule) of 1no. Apple tree (T1) within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03469/FUL |
120 Battlefield Road |
Erection of rear single storey extensions to dwelling and internal alterations |
No Objection |
24/03508/TCA |
The Beeches |
Crown reduce by 25% and crown thin by 10% 1no Birch & crown reduce by 25% group of 3no Birch within Meole Brace Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03511/TCA |
Clive House |
Fell 1no. Plum tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03501/TPO |
51 Ridgebourne Road |
Works to trees (See Schedule) protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968 (Ref: SA/37) |
No Objection |
24/03404/TCA |
24 St Julians Crescent, |
Crown reduction of approx. 3m to give a suitable 2m clearance from the property, remove epicormic growth and crown lift to a height of 3m from ground level 1no Sycamore (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area. |
No Objection |
24/03316/TPO |
52 Porthill Gardens |
To reduce by up to 3 meters the branches which have grown over the garage and car parking space of 34 Porthill Gardens from 1no. Yew (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Porthill Gardens) Tree Preservation Order 1980 (SA/86) |
No Objection |
24/03431/FUL |
Proposed Dwelling South Of 31, Berwick Avenue |
Erection of a detached dwelling |
Objection |
24/03311/FUL |
62 Sutton Road |
Erection of two storey and single storey extensions and new vehicle access |
No Objection |
24/03410/FUL |
46 Little Harlescott Lane |
Erection of two storey extension |
No Objection |
24/03420/FUL |
Visitor Centre And Premises At Conduit Head |
Replace an existing outside toilet to create one suitable for disabled access |
No Objection |
24/03405/FUL |
62 St Michaels Street |
Replacement of existing windows and door to the front elevation (Article 4) |
Representation |
24/03332/FUL |
118 The Mount |
Proposed Gabion Wall to the west elevation of the site |
Objection |
24/03376/FUL |
131 The Mount |
Replace front Tarmac (non porous) path with porous paving blocks (grey and red) to correlate with brickwork of property. Remove circular feature in centre of front path, which contains decorative stone and replace with porous paving blocks (as per path) to allow the front path the flow. Remove concrete path edging (edging alongside grass) and replace with red brick. Replace existing damaged front door step and create 2 new front door steps to property, this will be created in porous paving blocks as per the path leading to the main road. Replace front windows with new wooden windows, maintaining the stained glass windows on first floor windows. Remove existing damaged white render on front of property and replace like for like (white render) on the front of the property. Remove existing roof slates and install new slates, together with felt and batten, replace broken roof tiles and re-lead where required. Repair damaged chimney. Reinstall previous existing side gate (metal/iron) towards front of property. Existing iron hinges still in place where gate proposed to be. |
No Objection |
24/03308/LBC |
16A Princess Street |
Replacement of 6 windows and relay the tiles on the main roof |
No Objection |
24/03341/FUL |
62 Highfields |
Replacement of single storey extension with two storey side extension |
No Objection |
24/03334/FUL |
8 Faintree Avenue |
Single storey front extension |
No Objection |
24/03301/FUL |
15 Grange Road |
Proposed Side and Rear Extensions |
No Objection |
24/03255/COU |
Guildhall, Shropshire Council Children & Young Peoples Services, |
Change of use from use class F1(a): Provision of education to use class E(g)(1): Offices to carry out operational or administrative functions |
No Objection |
24/03321/FUL |
57 North Street |
Proposed replacement wooden sash windows (Article 4) |
No Objection |
24/03306/FUL |
Monkmoor Trading Estate |
Change of use of building to include sub-division of existing ground floor retail unit to form 5 class ‘E’ units, provision of a first floor to provide 8no residential apartments to the front part of the first floor and a storage area to the rear, and associated external alterations including new shop front and replacement windows |
Representation |
24/03305/LBC |
17 Wyle Cop |
Conversion of existing retail and storage accommodation over 3 floors to provide retail to ground and basement levels and 5 self-contained apartments to the upper floors with access via a new door at street level |
Objection |
24/03304/FUL |
17 Wyle Cop |
Conversion of existing retail and storage accommodation over 3 floors to provide retail to ground and basement levels and 5 self-contained apartments to the upper floors with access via a new door at street level |
Objection |
24/03195/FUL |
Coton Grange |
Erection of insulated garage building |
No Objection |
24/03359/TPO |
1 Wildon Way |
Minor crown lift of 1no Lime & fell 1no Silver Birch protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/401) |
No Objection |
24/03358/TCA |
Pen Y Bont |
Pollard back by 15-20ft 1no Sycamore within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03249/TCA |
2 Williams Court |
Crown reduce by up to 25% 1no Beech (T1) & reduce to old pruning point at 3m in height and trim garden side 1no Beech Hedge (H2) within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03248/TCA |
Montpelier House |
Fell 1no Beech (G1), 1no Yew (T2) & Elder and saplings (G3) within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
Objection |
24/03270/FUL |
Sainsbury's, Unit 2 |
Replacement external lighting to car park |
No Objection |
24/03245/FUL |
Kingswood |
Extension and remodelling of existing dwelling |
Representation |
24/03225/LBC |
Darwins House Ltd, Darwin House |
Proposed repair, refurbishment and alterations to existing windows |
No Objection |
24/03221/FUL |
Historic England, Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings |
Temporary covered cycle storage, screened refuse storage and permanent open cycle parking stands |
No Objection |
24/03152/ADV |
Former Sentinel Works (part), |
3 x Illuminated fascia bands (3 sided), 2 x illuminated pylon sign and car club 2-bay signage on 3no square posts. |
Representation |
24/03151/FUL |
Former Sentinel Works (part), |
Change of use to rental vehicle premises (sui generis) including use of part of existing building as a rental vehicle office and erection of rental vehicle wash bay, use of external areas for car parking (including rental vehicle storage) and associated works |
No Objection |
24/03103/FUL |
Proposed Conversion Of Building South Of, Belmont Bank |
Conversion and alterations to existing building to provide 3 dwellings |
Representation |
24/03199/FUL |
3 Greenacre Road |
Erection of two storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension following demolition of existing garage and outbuildings and store |
Objection |
24/03189/FUL |
32 Sutton Road |
Remodel of extension, outbuilding and interior alterations |
No Objection |
24/03194/FUL |
74 Larkhill Road |
Proposed bay window, conversion of garage, rear single storey extension. |
No Objection |
24/03184/FUL |
Units 25 And 26 The Parade |
Use of part of terrace for the siting of moveable external furniture, including tables, seating, screens, plants and barriers to provide seating in association with the consumption of food and drink, (Use Class E(b)) |
Representation |
24/03164/LBC |
14 Claremont Hill |
Replacement of existing garden room with single storey extension and replacement of existing double garage |
Representation |
24/03163/FUL |
14 Claremont Hill, |
Replacement of existing garden room with single storey extension and replacement of existing double garage |
Representation |
24/03153/FUL |
Proposed Residential Development Adjacent 38, Longden Road |
Erection of 1No dwelling |
Objection |
24/03026/TPO |
Juniper Lodge, The Copse |
Remove overhanging branch of 1no Ash (T1) and deadwood of 1no Sycamore (T2) & fell 1no Ash (T3) protected by the Shropshire Council (Land at the rear of The Orchards, Shepherds Lane, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury) TPO 2014 (Ref: SC/00210/14) |
No Objection |
24/03196/TCA |
21 Ashton Road |
Fell 9no. Leylandii (T1-9) and replace with alternative species within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03025/TCA |
Flat 1, Rodney House |
Fell 1no. Sycamore (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03192/TCA |
Millingtons Charity |
Fell 1no Silver Birch within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03191/TCA |
31 Underdale Road |
Reduce by 2m 1no Sycamore & fell 2no Silver Birch, 1no Douglas Fir, 1no Scots Pine and 1no Conifer within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03172/TPO |
11 Fairlawn Avenue |
Reduce crown by 1-2 meters, thin by 10% and lift crown 1-2meters of 1no. Acer protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002 (SA/354) |
No Objection |
24/03171/TPO |
Blackfriars , St Mary's Water Lane |
Reduce back by 2m of 1no Sycamore protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Land off St. Mary’s Water Lane, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1995 (Ref: SA/299) |
No Objection |
24/03170/TCA |
Blackfriars , St Mary's Water Lane |
Reduce re-growth by 2m of 1no Goat Willow & fell 1no Silver Birch within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |