Planning ID | Address | Proposal | Shrewsbury Town Council Decision |
24/03141/TCA |
4 Oakley Manor Gardens |
Prune overhanging side branches adjacent to property by approx. 1-2m, remove deadwood and rubbing branches throughout crown from 1no. Lime (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Manor Gardens, Belle Vue) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (SA/416) |
No Objection |
24/03053/TCA |
Willow House |
Prune back sides and overhang away from property by 20%, crown lift to 4m and remove lower epicormic growth of group of Limes (T1G) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03052/TCA |
35 St Julians Friars |
Crown lift by 20%, crown thin by 10% and remove dead wood of 2no Lime (T1&T2) & reduce by 20% and re-shape 1no Yew (T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03167/TPO |
62A Oakley Street |
Fell 1no. Robinia (B) and crown lift, thin and reduce (see schedule) 2no. Robinia (A & C) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Oakley Grange) Tree Preservation Order 2002 (SA/364) |
No Objection |
24/03086/FUL |
9 Roseway |
Erection of 1No wood cabin in garden for ancillary accommodation |
No Objection |
24/03050/TCA |
Shrewsbury High School |
Reduce and re-shape by approx 25% 1no Lawson (T1), prune back by 20% from drive/parking area 1no Birch (T2) & crown lift to 2m 1no Cherry (T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/03094/FUL |
Sycamore House |
Extension to front (South) elevation to provide porch |
No Objection |
24/03091/FUL |
65 Torrin Drive |
Rear single storey extension, front infill single storey extension and first floor extension over existing garage |
No Objection |
24/02751/VAR |
Walnut Cottage |
Variation of Condition No. 2 (approved plans) pursuant to 17/02940/VAR to allow for amended plans |
Objection |
24/02447/LBC |
The Roundabout |
Replacement windows and doors |
No Objection |
24/03058/FUL |
Rosewood House |
Replacement front door (Article 4 Direction) |
Representation |
24/03047/FUL |
5 Talisman Drive |
Extension to existing single storey dwelling to provide additional living accommodation on split level ground floor and principal bedroom suite in first floor roof space |
No Objection |
24/03017/FUL |
Bicton Heath Shopping Centre |
Installation of substation to service EV charging points |
No Objection |
24/03051/TCA |
Shrewsbury Severnside Bowling Club |
Prune back off car park area by 20% and a light 10% crown thin of 3no. Limes (T1G), and prune back branches over grassy area on green and path by 20% from 1no. Birch (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Granted |
24/03002/FUL |
109 Boscobel Drive |
Removal of the existing flat roof and replace with new pitched roof and conversion of part of the garage into a habitable room |
No Objection |
24/02977/FUL |
Field House |
Remodelling of existing house to provide additional living accommodation, garaging and storage reordering of elevations and roof profile |
No Objection |
24/02760/FUL |
23 Hunter Street |
Erection of rear extension, outbuildings and alterations to driveway including new boundary walls and hardstanding. |
No Objection |
24/02489/FUL |
Premier Inn |
Replacement solar film to the west elevation windows |
No Objection |
24/02384/FUL |
Plot 25, Anchorage Avenue, |
Erection of office building |
No Objection |
24/02910/ADV |
River Thai Restaurant & Bar |
Erect and display 3no. signs |
No Objection |
24/02972/TCA |
Delbury Villa |
Fell 2no. Eucalyptus trees (and replace them with more suitably sized native species) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Granted |
24/02934/TCA |
16 Clifford Street |
Fell 1no. Lime within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Granted |
24/02907/OUT |
Proposed Residential Development |
Outline planning application with some matters reserved (to include access) for construction of up to 226 dwellings with access from the existing spine road, open space and associated landscaping, and infrastructure |
Representation |
24/02900/TCA |
25 Belle Vue Gardens |
Crown reductions of 1no. Prunus (T1), 1no. Liquidambar (T2) and 1no. Purple Plum (T3) (see schedule) within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/02891/TCA |
9 Kennedy Road |
Fell 1no Holly, crown reduce by 3ft 1no Japanese Maple & crown reduce by 50% 1no Hawthorn (See Plan) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Representation |
24/02808/OUT |
Land North Mytton Oak Road, |
Hybrid planning application for a residential development of up to 400 dwellings and 80 bed care home (Use Class C2), access, footpath/cycleways, public open space, landscaping and associated drainage and development infrastructure: comprising a FULL application for 102 dwellings, 80 bed care home, access from Mytton Oak Road, footpath/cycleways, public open space, landscaping and associated development infrastructure and OUTLINE application (all matters reserved) for up to 298 dwellings, access, footpath/cycleways, public open space, landscaping and associated development infrastructure. |
Representation |
24/02885/FUL |
23 Bishop Street |
Internal alterations, chimney removal and replacement windows |
No Objection |
24/02872/FUL |
14 Berkeley Fields |
Single storey side extension (both sides & part to rear) |
No Objection |
24/02825/FUL |
Veterinary Clinic |
Erection of single storey rear extension to provide an additional consulting room and create new reception entrance with additional parking spaces |
No Objection |
24/02904/TCA |
Briarfields |
Fell 2no. conifers within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
Granted |
24/02819/FUL |
The Garden Cottage |
Extension, external alterations, conversion of garage to studio |
Representation |
24/02811/FUL |
25 Underdale Road |
Erection of extension to lower ground floor with balcony to rear elevation at ground floor level |
No Objection |
24/02787/FUL |
42 Field Crescent |
Single storey side and rear extensions |
No Objection |
24/02762/FUL |
Berwick Heights |
Demolition of existing single storey, flat roofed single garage & replacement with 2-storey, pitched roof double garage. |
No Objection |
24/02769/FUL |
26 Greenfield Street |
Single storey tear extension and replacement garage and carport |
No Objection |
24/02765/ADV |
Clogau Gold Of Wales Ltd, |
3No built up logos – Internally illuminated and 2No wooden projection signs |
No Objection |
24/02739/FUL |
Crowmeole Barn |
Removal of window and glazed door to gable end of play room and insertion of bi-fold doors, removal of window to south elevation of play room and insertion of larger 3 pane window, replacement of full height window to utility for a fully glazed door, replacement of window to snug area for a full height window. |
No Objection |
24/02717/FUL |
Oteley Bungalow |
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of six dwellings and associated landscaping |
Objection |
24/02636/ADV |
Mcdonalds Restaurants Ltd |
The reinstatement of existing fascia signage following re-lamping. Suite comprises 3 no. internally illuminated white acrylic McDonald’s letterset and 6 no. internally illuminated yellow Golden Arch. The minor relocation of the existing wall mounted Banner. |
No Objection |
24/02635/FUL |
Mcdonalds Restaurants Ltd, |
Refurbishment of the restaurant with alterations to elevations, to include a 26.2 sqm back of house extension for improved storage and a bin store. The installation of 2 no. new Canopies over the Customer Order Displays (COD) and a Gallow style height restrictor. The introduction of 2 no. EVCP bays, replacement patio furniture, the relocation of 5 no. existing cycle hoops and associated works to the site. The reinstating of fascia signage following re-lamping and the relocation of existing wall mounted Banner. |
No Objection |
24/02716/FUL |
The Grove, Shrewsbury School |
Erection of an extension and internal modifications |
No Objection |
24/02701/LBC |
5 Holywell Terrace |
Replace existing interior concealed window with a formed structural opening. |
No Objection |
24/02373/FUL |
17 North Hermitage |
Alterations to dwelling and installation of gates |
No Objection |
24/02803/TCA |
63 New Street |
Crown reduce overhanging branches by 1-3m of 1no Sycamore within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/02802/TPO |
5 Oakley Manor Gardens |
Reduce side by approx. 1-2m of 1no Copper Beech & lightly reduce by approx. 1m 1no Yew protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Manor Gardens, Belle Vue) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/416) |
No Objection |
24/02790/TPO |
The Birches, The Copse, |
Reduce by approx. 1/3rd 1no Sycamore & remove large limb over house and small lower limb off neighbour’s property of 1no Ash protected by the Shropshire Council (Land at the rear of The Orchards, Shepherds Lane, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury) TPO 2014 (Ref: SC/00210/14) |
No Objection |
24/02786/TCA |
The Peacock |
Fell 2no Ash within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/02726/TCA |
Darwins House Ltd, Darwin House |
Various works to trees (See Schedule) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area |
Objection |
24/02707/TCA |
5 Oakley Manor Gardens |
Prune back to give clearance of approx. 2m away from house of 1no Goat Willow within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
No Objection |
24/02706/TCA |
37 Hawthorn Road |
Reduce canopy by 1-2m, crown lift to 4-5m in height & remove epicormic growth of 1no European Lime within Belle Vue Conservation Area |
No Objection |