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At the Annual Town Council meeting Councillors are voted in to serve on a number of committees which consider Planning, Recreation and Leisure, Finance and Personnel issues.  Councillors are also appointed to many different local organisations and charities to represent local interest.

Committee Meetings Terms of Reference 2024.

Planning Committee

The Town Council has the opportunity to comment on all Planning applications within the Shrewsbury Town area, prior to them being considered by the Shropshire Council Planning Committee where the final decisions on permissions are made. The Committee also comments on future development plans for Shrewsbury and on all major new development throughout the town.  The Town Council considers a number of planning applications at each of its meetings. We have attached a handy guide for planning issues from Shropshire Council, which details the types of planning applications and material considerations when making comments.

Recreation & Leisure Committee

Recreation and Leisure issues are regularly considered by the Town Council and may include, for example, the provision of new play areas, changes to allotment provision, improvements to parks and entertainment within the Quarry. The Town Council may also be consulted on proposals regarding environmental improvements in the local area and other matters of interest to the people of Shrewsbury Town. The Recreation and Leisure Committee is also responsible for overseeing the Town Council’s works programme. Due to the nature of its primary responsibilities, grounds maintenance issues are of vital importance to the Town Council and the management of its parks, open spaces, recreation grounds and play areas, as well as establishing future work plans for play area renewal and refurbishment, are vital committee responsibilities.

Finance and General Purposes Committee

The Finance and General Purposes Committee is primarily responsible for agreeing and monitoring the Town Council’s budget and advising on issues of financial management.

Climate Emergency and Nature Recovery Committee

The Committee will comprise of climate related organisations and various community groups. Ten people will be invited from appropriate organisations to represent the community on the basis of their understanding of the climate emergency and links to the community, with consideration given to specific characteristics for representation such as age, gender and membership of targeted or general community groups.

Personnel Committee

A further committee also meets to discuss Personnel issues on an ad-hoc basis to consider human resources issues, to appoint senior staff and appraise the Town Clerk.


The Planning Committee meets every 3 weeks throughout the year and other major committees meet every 6-8 weeks. All Town Councillors meet at Full Council (held every 6 weeks throughout the year) to ratify the decisions made by the Town Council’s delegated committees. Members of the public are welcome to attend all Town Council meetings.

You can view agendas, minutes and reports from committee meetings here.



Finance and General Purposes Committee

Councillor Mosley (Chairman)

Councillor Mrs Moseley (Vice Chairman)

Councillor Phillips

Councillor Dartnall

Councillor Wilson

Councillor Green

Councillor Vasmer

Councillor Dean


Councillor Wall

Councillor Gillam

Councillor Addams

Councillor Pardy

Councillor Bentick

Councillor Wagner

Councillor Davies

Councillor Lemon

Recreation & Leisure Committee

Councillor Gillam (Chairman)

Councillor Addams (Vice Chairman)

Councillor Wall

Councillor Pardy

Councillor Davies

Councillor Wagner

Councillor Bentick

Councillor Lemon


Councillor Phillips

Councillor Mrs Moseley

Councillor Mosley

Councillor Wilson

Councillor Green

Councillor Dean

Planning Committee

Councillor Moseley (Chairman)

Councillor Halliday (Vice Chairman)

Councillor Wall

Councillor Dartnall

Councillor Green

Councillor Wagner

Councillor Davies

Councillor Lemon


Councillor Phillips

Councillor Pardy

Councillor Addams

Councillor Gillam

Councillor Wilson

Councillor Bentick

Councillor Dean

Climate Change Standing Committee

Councillor Dean (Chairman)

Councillor Dartnall (Vice Chairman)

Councillor Phillips

Councillor Mosley

Councillor Moseley

Councillor Wilson

Councillor Vasmer

Councillor Bentick


Councillor Wall

Councillor Addams

Councillor Davies

Councillor Green

Councillor Wagner

Councillor Lemon

Personnel Committee

Councillor Mosley (Chairman)

Councillor Pardy

Councillor Mrs Moseley

Councillor Vasmer

Councillor Green

Grievance Committee

Councillor Halliday (Chairman)

Councillor Phillips

Councillor Gillam

Councillor Davies

Councillor Dean

Appeals Committee

Councillor Dartnall (Chairman)

Councillor Addams

Councillor Wagner

External Complaints/FOI/Appeals Committee

Councillor Mrs Moseley (Chairman)

Councillor Wagner

Councillor Dean

 Joint Consultative Committee

Councillor Mosley (Chairman)

Councillor Mrs Moseley

Councillor Addams

Councillor Pardy

Councillor Bentick

Councillor Dean

Bloom Working Group

Councillor Wall

Councillor Mrs Moseley

Councillor Addams

Councillor Vasmer

Councillor Dean

Councillor Davies